Luncheon to honour the Rt Hon Baroness Castle and the 30th Anniversary of the introduction of the breath test
To mark the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the breath
test, a luncheon to honour Baroness Castle will be held at the Law
Society on the 9th of October 1997 at 12.30pm (invitation only).
The guests to celebrate an act which has saved tens of thousands of lives over the years will include:
The Rt Hon Betty Boothroyd, MP, Speaker of the House of Commons
Ms Glenda Jackson, MP, Under-Secretary of State (Transport)
Assistant Commissioner Paul Manning, Secretary of ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers)
Dr John Havard, former Secretary of the BMA (British Medical Association)
Graham Buxton and John Knight, founders of the Campaign Against Drink Driving.
as well as other senior representatives from the Magistrates’
Association, road safety organisations and alcohol misuse agencies.
Further information from:
Derek Rutherford, Director,
Institute of Alcohol Studies,
12 Caxton Street,
London SW1H 0QS
Tel: 020 7222 4001