There were increases in both the narrow and broad rate of alcohol admissions to hospitals in 2013/14 on last year, according to data published by Public Health England (PHE).
The latest Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE) release shows that along with plateauing mortality rates, alcohol admissions rates to hospitals appear to have worsened in the last twelve months.
Nearly three-fifths (59%) of local authorities in England (193 out of all 326 local authorities) saw a slight increase in hospital admissions in adults where the main reason for admission was alcohol. These admissions have risen by 1.3% to 333,000, up from 326,000 last year, with a larger increase seen in women (2.1% increase while for men this was 0.7%).
In addition, trend data of admission episode rates for one of the leading causes of alcohol-related conditions – alcoholic liver disease – have soared from 82.1 per 100,000 persons in 2008/09 to 105.3/100,000 in 2013/14.
Alcohol-related cardiovascular disease conditions have also adopted a similar upward trend over the same period (from 759 to 1,049 per 100,000 persons).
Other figures included:
- A rise in alcohol-specific hospital admissions per 100,000 persons from 365 in 2012/13 to 374 in 2013/14
- An increase in the rate of alcohol-related hospital admissions during the same period, from 1,220 to 1,253 per 100,000 persons
- Admission episode rates from alcohol-related conditions up to 2,111 per 100,000 persons in 2013/14 compared with last year (2,032)
- The rate of alcohol-specific hospital admissions for under 18s falling from 68.4 per 100,000 (2006/07 – 08/09) to 40.1/100,000 (2011/12 – 13/14)
Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Health and Wellbeing at PHE, said: “The decline in hospital admissions from alcohol for under 18s is promising, but current levels of harm caused by alcohol remain unacceptably high, especially within the most deprived communities, who suffer the most from poor health in general.
“Much of this harm is preventable and we need further action at a national and local level to implement the most effective evidence based policies. Public Health England will continue to provide leadership and support to local areas to reduce the devastating harm that alcohol can cause to individuals, families and communities.”
The LAPE tool presents data for 19 alcohol-related indicators in an interactive tool, which helps local areas assess alcohol-related harm and monitor the progress of efforts to reduce this. Search for local alcohol health profiles by local area here: